My Ethos & Ethics
Many of my items are natural finds - this means there will be imperfections and damages to the skull as they are found naturally in places like woodland, fields, moors and beaches and come from animals that have died naturally in various ways.
Some animals come from RTA (road traffic accidents) - unfortunately it is very common for animals in the UK to be hit by vehicles. This can be a an almost instantaneous, painless death or it can cause the animal to be seriously injured and find shelter before passing or needing to be humanely euthanized if the injuries are too severe. Any animal that is found with injuries are taken to the closes medical assistance facilities to properly treat.
Pest control animals are sometimes used - this is only animals that are invasive species causing a serious damaging effect on our UK wildlife for example Muntjac & Grey Squirrels who are humanely killed to control population numbers. The bodies are normally discarded as “waste “ so it is a way of honouring the death of an animal by using all parts, any meat or unusable parts are left to nature to be used as a source of food and nutrients as it is common for small animals to chew of bones for calcium and to help wear down teeth .
Foragers/hunters - there is a huge community of people within the UK who forage for their own meat supplies, be it for personal consumption or use as raw feeds for pets. Usually parts like fur, heads and feet are not used and are typically donated or sold so all parts of an animal are used to avoid waste.
I do not condone any forms of animal cruelty - this includes inhumane methods of euthanasia, trapping and the import of poached or farmed species from countries like China, These animals usually live in horrendous conditions, and are illegally taken from the wild causing severe climate impacts. These facilities have no regard for animal welfare. Buying "Oddities" from these sources including Bats, Mink, Cat/Dog, Fox, Siamese Crocodile, Muskrat, fuels the demand and thus encourages these practices.